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ZTE Introduce Skate, Blade and Amigo Android Smartphones

The Chinese manufacturer ZTE carrying their GSM smartphones at MWC and three smartphone models are 4.3-inch screen dubbed Skate, 3.5-inch screen dubbed Blade and 3.2-inch screen dubbed Amigo, which is expected to be part of a smart phone based on Android and all offering a variety of features.

The ZTE Skate for high-end mobile phone equipped with a 800 Mhz processor along with an Adreno 200 GPU, a WVGA capacitive display, a 5Mpix Camera with autofocus and running Android 2.3. To speed download and upload data, GSM mobile phone this is supported HSPA capabilities.

The ZTE Blade is have a lower grade than Skate, its Android 2.2, 600 MHz processor, 3 megapixel camera and Quad Band GSM/HSPA. While ZTE Amigo falls lower on the specs and features compare two ZTE phones, its has 3MP camera without a flash, Triple band GSM/HSPA network specifications also sports a side-slide physical QWERTY keyboard.

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