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How to Install Chrome OS

As Google announced, it needs special hardware which will be available at end of next year. Now the curiosity rises to try the OS yourself. For the meantime, you can Virtualize the OS and run it under VMware or Virtualbox. You can either download the source and trying building it (if you are an developer) else download binaries directly and run them under VMWare/Virtualbox.

Step 1. Download The Image from build that GDGT has uploaded. The former way needs registration.

Step 2. Download VMWare Player or VMWare Fusion and run it.

Step 3. Unzip the downloaded image. In VMware/VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine. One of the options will be to use an “existing virtual disk.” (In VMware Fusion, this is the last option below, “use operating system disk” and “use OS disc image file.”). Make sure your VM is set to use bridged networking, rather than NAT.

Step 4. Login to Chrome OS with username and password which is nothing but your Google account!

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